Showing posts with label Amelia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amelia. Show all posts

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Michigan - Shena's Wedding and Paul's Birthday

In June we took a quick trip up to Michigan for our friend Shena's wedding... which happened to be on Paul's birthday. First we spent a few days with family in Western Michigan, including a surprise boat cruise on the Grand River to celebrate Paul's birthday and some time hanging out in downtown Grand Rapids.

We flew over Cedar Point on the way to Michigan.
Detroit on the left; Windsor Canada on the right.
We hung out with a giant wiener in Climax at Bowman's BBQ.
Cruising down the Grand River.
On the boat with whisky sours.
Paul's sisters re-creating Titanic. Luckily we didn't hit an iceberg.
Paul and Betsy's birthday!
Eating lunch at the Downtown Market with Tina and Amelia.

After our family visit, we drove over to the east side of the state and spent some time with friends, visiting downtown Detroit and going to the wedding in Livonia. We had some Lebanese food at a restaurant called "Sheesh," which then became our favorite term of the weekend. As in, "sheesh, I need another beer" or "sheesh I'm tired!" In Detroit we visited the Eastern Market, rode the people mover, and walked along the river. 

Shena and Kyle's wedding was gigantic (375 guests) and we had a great time hanging out with old friends from Kalamazoo. Bonus: there was an ice cream bar at the reception. Congrats to the couple!

Eastern Market in Detroit is brought to you by Kid Rock.
Hanging out on the Detroit River.
Downtown Detroit from the people mover.
The Renaissance Center.
Hart Plaza.
The "Spirit of Detroit."
"Welcome Neighbors" cookie with the Kzoo kids at Shena's wedding.
Gettin' hitched!
Little kids getting down on the dance floor!

Of course we made a quick stop for Tim Bits before leaving.