Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Coasters and family in Cincinnati

I (Paul) attended the American Coaster Enthusiasts (ACE) annual spring conference at King's Island amusement park in Cincinnati, and visited family in the area. It was a nice three day weekend full of coasters and a few museums with my nieces. So this isn't a full blog post, just a quick photo tour!

Orion, a new credit for me. Luckily the rain held off for our morning ride time.

Nice sunset!

The classic "Racer" coaster at sunset.

You have to love the lack of lines during ERT!

No wait at all, for some fantastic night time rides.

Good night, King's Island!

Downtown Cincinnati from across the river.

Petting the stingrays at the aquarium.

We went to "EnterTRAINment Junction," a huge indoor model train city.

There was a model of the former Coney Island amusement park

Inside the former Cincinnati train station, which has several museums.

The science section of the museum.

The amazing architecture of the train station.

That wraps up this short blog post - hope to have some more coaster adventures and family adventures soon!

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